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New Hunter

Discussion in 'Whitetail Deer Hunting' started by Sdeck9, Nov 5, 2009.

  1. Sdeck9

    Sdeck9 Weekend Warrior

    Nov 5, 2009
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    Franklin Oh
    Hey everyone names stephen im from southwestern ohio and i just recently took up hunting. I have a Barnett Quad 400 with a 4x32 scope. I have two pieces of land i am able to hunt on and am just looking for some advice on how to find where the deer are, and what some normal habbits are, Ive posted the pics of my property and any advice would be appricated.

    I Have only really scouted one piece of land so far. And have labeled some things on there. The property is roughly 29 acres and is outlines in yellow. There are two fields both have wooded areas on most sides The blue line is the creek .The White squares are stands. The orange dots are rubs. brown dots are some areas i found tracks. Now I havent seen any other signs that i noticed. I know there is a pond on the top right hand side of the property and some corn fields near by. Any advice you guys could give me would be greatful.


    This is the second piece of land. Havent had the time to get out on it and scout.

  2. Sdeck9

    Sdeck9 Weekend Warrior

    Nov 5, 2009
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    Franklin Oh
    anybody? And does anybody know a good way to get your clothes scent free while washing w/o buying the scent free laundry detergent and dryer sheets?
  3. JiAnthony315y

    JiAnthony315y Newb

    Oct 28, 2009
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    Look for worn down paths and scratches/scrapes on trees. I you see a worn down path, that usually means that deer walk that way frequently. If you see scrapes on trees then that means bucks are in the area. You can also look for scrapes on the ground. a scrap on the ground is not deep and just burshes the top of the ground. scrapes on small tree's usually mean a small buck and the bigger the tree the bigger the buck. If you have fields with corn then u should put a stand on the edge of the field and look for paths to the field and put one close the the path. If you dont have corn fields then you can buy some type of deer lure, corn, salt block, whatever you like to use and put it in an opening and give them some time to find it
  4. Sdeck9

    Sdeck9 Weekend Warrior

    Nov 5, 2009
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    Franklin Oh
    Thanks 4 the info there r a few rubs n what I thinks a scrape been out since around 6 and no deer just squriels lol moons been full so think they movin moer at night right now
  5. msherrilljr

    msherrilljr Newb

    Nov 1, 2009
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    North Central Alabama
    I have 4 things to add.

    1. Deer are creatures of habit
    2. They are slaves to there stomachs
    3. During most phases of the rut. they are chasing does.
    4. If they know your hunting them...your done.

    So...Do all your "hunting" just after your season ends. Hang stands, find trails, rubs and scrapes. If you use a climber, find your trees (for ALL wind directions....there may be one spot that you can hunt only if south wind), trim limbs and shooting lanes. Try to find their bedding area and their food source. Look for the signs and then get out. Then...most important. When the "harvest" time gets here. (hunting season) On a property this small..walk-walk-walk and pay attention tho the wind. Never, never, never hunt a location if the wind is not right. Be able to get to your stand without gettin busted. Learn as much as you can about how the wind reacts to your terrain. This will take seasons. Then go get them.....:)

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