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New Hunter. Need your help/expertise/knowledge please.

Discussion in 'Whitetail Deer Hunting' started by ChicagoBears, Nov 17, 2013.

  1. ChicagoBears

    ChicagoBears Newb

    Nov 6, 2013
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    I've attached a picture of the land I am able to hunt. I can only bow hunt, no rifle/shotgun. I tried to give descriptions of the land in the drawing, hopefully it's enough information. My dilemma is, I am seeing deer on my trail cam's (indicated by the dots (night deer or no deer)) but I am not seeing them during the day. Its suppose to be the rut here in Wisconsin but I've just had no luck. Over the last week, I've been out in various spots from 5 am - 11 am approximately and 1 pm - 6 p m. Yesterday morning I had a deer about 10 yards from me but it was so dark, I couldn't see anything other than it's silhouette so I decided not to take a shot.

    Any help you can give would be greatly appreciated. I know you're limited because the actual woods is different than looking at a map. But with gun season here next week, I'd like to get a deer before they're all slaughtered.

    Attached Files:

  2. RuggedOutdoors

    RuggedOutdoors Newb

    Nov 7, 2013
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    I cannot tell where your stand is from the map but I would be looking at the inside corners for a stand and sit back about 25 yards in the timber. Remember during the rut you are looking for the does. Where the does are the bucks will be! When you have your stand setup, place a bunch of timber or branches right behind it so that deer cannot come right behind you but be forced to travel to your right or left.

    The bucks will often cut the corners of the fields looking for does.

    I know it is frustrating to see them on camera but never see them during daylight. But keep at it!

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