Today I got out to shoot the 2014 carbon Spyder since I am wanting a new bow. I was really surprised with the results. Quiet and no hand shock. I am planning on buying this bow. What I'm wanting to know is has anyone shot the turbo yet which is the 33" ATA. I only shot then 30 and the turbo wasn't at my bow shop yet. If you have can you tell me how it compares please
Ive been shooting my Carbon Spyder 34 for about a week now, and i am absolutely in love with this bow. I prefer a longer ATA bow, and this 34 holds so steady, and is completely dead in the hand. I would expect the turbo to be no different. You will notice more stability and ease of anchor with a bigger string angle. You wont feel much difference in brace height as it is only 3/4" different. Same cams and limbs so draw cycle will feel identical as should the feeling on the shot. They are great bows, been nothing but pleased with mine!!
Hey thanks for the reply I appreciate it! I don't know if I want the 33 yet because I do whitetail hunt in a stand so I do like that shorter ATA but I also like the turbo as well.
I've shot the new Hoyts and honestly I don't feel the difference between the C.S. and the Faktor is worth the extra $. Same cams and almost the same weight. The Faktor comes in all the same configurations as well, give it shot and you might save yourself about $500.
i can tell you from my experience, that a 33" bow is no problem at all. I had a 31" hoyt, a 32" hoyt, a 35.5" hoyt, and now my CS34, and not once have i ever said "darn i wish i had my short bow right now". Everything i could do with my old bows i can do with these longer ones, and i can shoot them more accurately and hold them far more stable. Just thought id share my experiences, dont let ATA be a huge deciding factor, try to get your hands on one and try it out, you wont be dissapointed! Good luck!
I'm trying to hold out and wait and shoot a Turbo or a 34 but I'll probably just go ahead and order a CS30.
i like longer ata bows, they just seem to hold better for me and i always get my anchors. i have to touch my nose and the corner of my mouth plus my knuckle in the back of my jawbone or i wont shoot it. also with a 30" plus draw string angles are a pain.
whats your draw length? i would wait to shoot the turbo. it will probably hold better and shoot a little faster, why not get the extra speed and stability/balance? i always find short bows wander more when i am aiming over longer ones.
The turbo is a killer looking and feeling bow. We got one in the shop last week and it feels great. Im sure it will be a fantastic shooter and the length of the bow feels very good. I would highly recommend them, im a fan of longer ATA!