Howdy yall. my name is mike, im 20 yo. ever since i was young i really liked the sport of hunting, gosh i wanted to go so bad growing up but i was told by everybody including my mom and dad thats becouse of my vision i'd never be able to ( the rods and cones in my eyes are reversed, im color blind and my vision is 20/300) my vision is horrible!! has been since birth, so i can see why they'd doubt my ability, but if you tell me i cant do something you better be ready, and make sure your hand is under your jaw cause your about to drop it when you see me excelle at what you just told me i couldnt even do! So one day at a flea market i found an old bear bow. So i practiced my ass off till i got good enough to make my dad a beliver. so we started planning to hunt the next season. well by the time the season came around he had put on so much weight he couldnt do it! and he wouldn't let me go with anyone else ( i was only like 10 or 11 at the this time). so i said to hell with it and gave up sold my bows and everything.many years pass till this year. and at the begining of september my cousin showed up talking so excited about the season starting and he'd take me along if i want. that lit a fire under my ass, i picked up this 1980 bear flare i didnt care its a bow i been using that big boy and im still pretty good even with my vision. my seeing range is about only 30 yards thats also my hunting shot range on a big boy 25yd tops for any other deer. i hope and know i will learn so much from you all!
Welcome aboard! One thing you stated concerns me a bit; your effective shot distance shouldn't differ because of the caliber of deer in front of you. If your effective range for a doe is 25 yards, it should be 25 yards for all deer. Stretching a shot for a big buck is just an invitation to disaster. There's few things worse than wounding an animal on a marginal shot. I wish you the best of luck this season!
Mike, Welcome ! I love to hunt and also shoot in competition, one of the guys from our shop was a world class shooter as a juvenile, (set records that still stand) he was in a terrible ATV accident and broke his neck. He was away from the sport for years, but recently came back to it. He has the use of 1 arm and shoots his bow by pulling it with his teeth (mouth tab). He provides more inspiration to our group than any other single memeber. We voted him shooter of the year last year! I'm in your corner...practice and shoot well..I wish you the best of luck!
Welcome. You aren't the 1st legally blind hunter I've ever known. My girlfriends dad hunts, and is legally blind. A couple years back he got a buck, doe & a jake.
thank yall for the warm welcome. what i mean by 30 for a big buck and 25 for normal, its not risking a bad shot its he's just bigger and through the sights would appear around the same size as a buck of normal size a few yards closer. its so hard to explain and i probley just made it really confusing lol sorry. im pretty much limited to 30yds tops and thats only if everything is in my favor. sun light, if its a clear sunny day and im facing the sun the glare will drop my shot range all the way down to around 10 yds or less but in the woods the trees help me alot from sun problems but not enought. i also have problems with seeing the pins some time i even painted them straight white and still lose it in the background when im aiming so i have to void the shot (i would never let a shot go that has any risk or i have any uncertainty) , imma try to find a floro yellow pin but my bow and sight is so old im being told they dont make them anymore, so i gotta try some paint again. i just really wish i could find a sight made for people like me.
Look for a site that has bigger pins (.029) and LOTS of fiber optic. they should start around 30 dollars
i seen a sight in a magizine the has a scope lens in the circul piece by the pins i dont know what its called. i bet it would fog alot though. anybody heard of it?