Hello everyone!! My name is Phillip, I am 29 and I am new to hunting. I have family and friends that hunt but was taken hunting for the first time this season (2008). I started deer season hunting with a bow and loved it so much that when rifle season came here in Georgia I stayed with the bow. Of course the hunters I know gave me a hard time because I wanted to stick with the bow, but I didn't care. I have been reading the forum here for a couple of months now and just wanted to introduce myself...finally.
Welcome to the board. I remember growing up in Northern Indiana hunting with a bow 25 years ago. It was so easy to get permission to bow hunt because nobody did it. Now look, bow hunting is blowing up. Stick with it and don't let your buddies get to you.
Welcome! I also use my bow during the firearms seasons because that is what I enjoy doing. I get some weird looks, but oh well.
Welcome there GAbh! You'll definitely love this site. We are also having a GTG in June on the weekend of the 26th, if your able to make it. Several of us camp b-4 the Sat shoot out. It's a real good time. Hope you can make it.
Good to have ya GA! There's a great group of guys here. My family gave me a jab or two this year when I was Bowhunting during the MN Rifle season, so I know where you're coming from. My bag limit doesn't change here if I buy a rifle tag (only 2 deer no matter what tags I buy), so I figured whats the point I like hunting with the bow better anyways. Again, Welcome!
Welcome to our addiction GA, you found the right place. Any questions you have we will try and answer?
Welcome to the site! Glad to see you decided to register and post! If you ever have any questions I'll do my best to try and help you out, as will anyone else here. There is a lot of knowledge amongst the people that lurk around here.
Welcome to the forums. Hopefully you find this place both a wonderful resource and an addicting way to kill some time on the net. Throw in a little humor and you have a one stop, bow spot!
Welcome aboard!! This bowhunting stuff Is addicting, just warning ya!! There's good folks here with great Info!!