Hey, y'all. I'm new to bow hunting. Actually, I'm currently in the market for my first bow! I look forward to utilizing y'all while I grow in this sport. I've been looking at several bows mostly just at bass pro online. If there's anywhere else that I may be able to save a few bucks, and maybe any pointers as to what to look for in a bow, I would greatly appreciate it. Also, I'm 24 and a student here in tallahassee. Look forward to hearing from y'all! Thanks, Justin
Welcome, I'm sure your gonna hear this a 100 more times but go to a local archery shop an shoot some bows till you find one that's a good fit for you. Anyone can tell you "this bows the best, it's what I shoot" but just because its right for them don't mean it is for you. Once again welcome an enjoy!
Piling on to what fuzz said - go to a shop that carries a good assortment, and test a wide price range - you will be surprised, some modestly priced models shoot very well for the money. And welcome to the site John