RH shooter shooting a PSE Droptine XT set at 60 pounds with a Scott Shark release,340 Beman arrow, and a whisker biscuit. My middle pin is dead on at 30 yards. Arrows are printing in the middle of the target and are touching. Shooting my 10 yard pin I'm consistently hitting about 3 inches to the left. Any advice would be appreciated.
You need to do a walk back tune sounds like. Shoot at 3 yards. Move your sight until hitting dead on left to right. Then go back to 20-30 yards. This time if you are hitting left or right, move your rest small amounts until your center shot is corrected. YouTube walk back tune. Hope this helps. Good luck. I mean REALLY small amount when you move the rest.
Shoot your 30 yard pin at 10 and it should be high, if that's the case it's just your 10'yrd pin needs to be pushed out some more.
Hey thanks again you guys nailed it! Arrow rest wasn't aligned got home started adjusting the biscuit everything is hunky dory! I'm so excited Deer season starts it 16 days and a wake up!