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New guy, novice, long question

Discussion in 'Traditional Archery' started by hogwild, Feb 4, 2010.

  1. hogwild

    hogwild Newb

    Feb 4, 2010
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    rural Georgia
    Was advised to ask in this section:

    I've been surfing for some answers and this forum looks friendly and I hope some of you will find the patience to help me. My name's Greg and here's my situation: My 2 sons and I would like to get our feet wet with a couple of recurve bows. It's to keep it simple and discover whether archery is something we want to pursue further. We have the land to practice all we'd care/need to. I can't seem to find a shop that has anyone knowledgeable to help me.

    We are fairly big men; 6'7", 285 for oldest, 6'4" 200 for youngest, 6'4" 250 for me.

    About what size recurve, draw weight, pull length, should I consider that would be appropriate for us to practice with and if we like it; also make for good beginner hunting.

    I hope I'm not imposing to drop in and ask so much general info. I will check back a couple times a day to see if you guys might help me out and if I need to provide more info to get help. Thanks Greg
  2. Schultzy

    Schultzy Grizzled Veteran

    Jul 25, 2008
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    1st of all, how strong you are doesn't mean a thing with shooting any bow whether It's a compound or a traditional bow. I've got friends that are some big boys who can't even come close to pulling back my 62lb recurve, they've never shot a bow before. The muscles you use for pulling a bow back are hardly used In doing anything else so It takes a ton of time to get them muscles In tune. As for your height It might not be a bad Idea to get a traditional bow that's a bit longer.

    Go and buy a light weight bow (recurve or longbow). Pick up something In that 40 to 45 pound range and at least 62 Inches long. You can pick up some decent bows fairly cheap, 100 to 150 bucks or so. If you don't like them your not out too much then. Reason I say pick up a low draw weight bow Is It's much easier to learn how to shoot them correctly. Once you get that down you can always go up In draw weight with a different bow If It's what you want to do.

    You are by no means Inposing Greg, gotta start some where my friend. :)
  3. Bails-UK

    Bails-UK Die Hard Bowhunter

    Mar 4, 2009
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    Staffordshire , England , UK
    Steve has said it all really , keep us informed of how you get on and if you enjoy archery . You came to the right place for help .

    Also , all bows are rated at a 28inch draw . Take that into concideration when picking what poundage bow you are gonna shoot , you may have a long drawlength

    Good luck
  4. hogwild

    hogwild Newb

    Feb 4, 2010
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    rural Georgia
    I have been looking at a PSE Kingfisher at Cabelas, 40 lb draw. It's priced low and appears to have really decent reviews.

    I read a lot on the web and low draw weight seemed to be recommended for learning. Hey, I'm getting some high mileage and don't really want to strain myself at much anything nowadays.

    Thanks for the welcome and info. I'll keep checking back and will be looking at all the sub-forums here. Appreciate it, Greg

    If the PSE is trash- someone let me know in a couple weeks; before I pull the trigger. This bow stuff is foreign to me.
  5. GMMAT

    GMMAT Grizzled Veteran

    Jul 24, 2008
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    Mostly in a treestand
    Be careful with this. MOST are (draw weight relevant to 28"). Some, are draw weight to draw length specific (other than 28"). Just make sure you check for that.
  6. yunny1

    yunny1 Weekend Warrior

    Feb 4, 2010
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    recurve? Woo lets shoot it backwards :) does it cu

    its great to see new people doing things the traditional way , ive had and hunted with my 52lb recurve for seven years now , i really hope you enjoy your new toy when you get it ' just ask around to see if someone has a bow theyl let you take a few shots with , find somthing comfortable for you and dont throw it when you miss your first 20 shots lol its all learning .

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