Hey guys I'm a new into the whole bowhunting thing. I just picked up a bow a few days ago and was wondering what were some tips to get started. Also new to the site. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
Welcome to the site! Glad to have you here! Tip....Practice, Practice, Practice and make sure you Practice shooting from an elevated position!!
Welcome Kyle! Here's a good place to start ---> https://www.bowhunting.com/bowhunt-101/archery-basics/
Welcome aboard...I'm fairly new here myself. I spent a great deal of time reading through old posts/topics and found a lot of great information. You might want to try that if you have the time. Good folks here..I think you'll enjoy it. Bill
check out the bow shops and ranges around you for an instructor that will give ya a couple of lessons.. learn proper form and release now before you develop bad habits.. then practice, practice, practice, practice practice practice... then practice some more....
Welcome! Definitely check out the link Fitz posted, has lots of good info Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk