How are you guys doing? I'm new to bow hunting and hunting is general. I have always wanted to but haven't known anyone that hunts. I have been in Alaska for a year now and have decided to just learn as much as I can and do it by myself if I have to. I would love to meet someone up here that can show me the ropes but that's not as easy as it sounds. I'm looking to get my first compound bow and figured that this would be the best place to try to get some opinions on what would be the best bow that I could grow with for a few years. Any ideas from seasoned vets would be greatly appreciated. I am a bit dude, 6'3, 230 pounds. I figured that it would be relevant in deciding on which bow to get. I'm looking for under 500 dollars for my first one. Thanks in advance.
Welcome! There's a lot of knowledgeable people on the forums here, so I'm sure you'll get some help. Good luck with your hunting adventures!
Wow, Wasilla, Ak huh? Your in the right place for hunting thats for sure. I worked on commercial fishing boats in the Gulf and Bearing Sea for 5 years. Flew in and out of Anchorage a few times. You probably get a good view of Denali from there huh? Ever run into Sarah Palin when your out and about? I'd go hunting with her! I was in same situation as you a few years back. Not knowing anyone to teach me, so i just went it on my own, like i do most everything, and it has worked out thanks to the volumes of info on the net and forums like this one. You can post questions and wait for and answer, which you will usually get, or just use the search box in the forum and see what's already been written on different topics, which is usually a faster method. As for what bow to get started with??? If 500 is you limit then you will probably be best off getting a Ready To Hunt package in that price range from a manufacturer like Bear, PSE, or Diamond. That way your ready to go and if you don't like a particular accessory that came on it, you can switch it out when you get extra funds. To get started, I would go to a pro shop, shoot a few different bows and figure out what draw length you are and what poundage you can comfortably draw and hold then go from there. Most bows today are DL adjustable without a bow press using modules on the cams, so if you know roughly what yours is you could order one with the poundage you want that is adjustable in your DL range. Dont over bow yourself on the poundage though, If its really hard to draw and hold it any length of time your accuracy will suffer for it. The guys at the shop will steer you in the right direction as far as DL and weight even if you don't buy one there. After that its just practice makes perfect, and gain as much knowledge as you can where you can, and time in the woods. And wow, what a woods you have out your back door! Good Luck and be warned, It's Addicting!
Look on eBay for a good deal on bows they have good deals on PSE brute x which is nice smooth bow or some other ones. You best beg is find a shop And shoot as many as you can and what fits you best lots of bows out there that's for sure
Welcome wasilla like nocturnal said seek out help from your local archery shop team up with a friend sharing the adventure with some one will be very rewarding , if you can't find anybody let me know I've been wanting to go to alaska