Morning gentlemen. (and ladies!) Glad I finally joined this great looking forum, I've been putting it off far too long since I've been busy watching bowhunt or die episodes!! I'm only a few years into my bowhunting life, being in my mid twenties, but it really is my life. Hunting has given me a new life and one I couldn't be more thankful for. I was given an old HCA 4Runner as a gift from a close family friend who had upgraded and that was it, I was sold. Months of practice led to my first hog, (those nasty beasts are perfect practice for beginners) and then later that year I took my first buck. Now the bug only gets bigger! I moved to Jacksonville, FL very suddenly last offseason for work purposes. That's been a huge change for a south Florida boy, as I don't know much of the area or terrain still. I'm learning though. I'm o'fer this season, but my expectations weren't high as I'm aware you can't find success without putting in time and effort. Hoping to see my scouting, research and stand time pay off soon though. I've done strictly public land, but I'm going to pursue lease options moving into the future. With all that said, I'm looking forward to conversing with like minded individuals here, learning a ton from you veterans, and just kicking back laughing sometimes I'm sure.