I got tired of waiting for Bob to drop of his jigsaw so I swung by his house this morning and picked it up. Here is the bottom section of the new form I am making, now if the bow will be a shooter or not I will have to wait till I get Dave's bow built. But when I finish the form off I will do a pine bow and see how it looks. I would finish the form today but it's too bloody cold out in the shop:d
Kanga, do you put the whole bow in there or just the limbs?? Also do you have to have a different form for every bow??
Zach. This is for a 1 piece bow so yes the whole bow will be going into it. This will be for model number 5 or as I am going to call the bow "IllaLangi" I have other forms for the "Yarra" and "Bogan" the 2 take down models (limbs only) the other 2 1 piece bows are the "Molong" which is a RD bow and the "Bumbry" which is a straight limb bow.
No he finally got A saw! He's been trolling for a jig saw so long he could have gnawed the forms.:smash:
Heck, why didn't you tell me you needed a jigsaw? ... Hmmmm, I guess if I answered my phone in the morning you could tell me. I'll bring one by on my way to Abilene April 3rd. You'll be able to give Bobs back and you can keep this one. BTW what model is my bow called? Bumbry?
Greg. That would be a 10/4:d Thought I did when you was here putting in the light. Probably Thanks mate I appreciate. Hey you don't have a 14" band saw you don't want:d
No, I don't happen to have one of them laying about. I will keep my eyes open for a cheap but serviceable one though!
You can keep the saw Puss, I mean Russ... you and I still have some junk I want, we'll work out something with your left over 3D stuff.
I wish i had the talent , time and drive to try this myself . There must be great pleasure in making a bow using that bow or seeing others use that bow and getting a kill with it too . To think that form will be the mold for a new bow is great , it really amazes me .
Dave. I get more pleasure out of making a bow for someone else and seeing them or pictures of them enjoying it. As for the new form I have been working on this design for about 4 months now, just could not get anything drawn on paper that I liked, then I was just doodleing on paper while surfing the forums and looked down and there was the first rough drawing for this form. I'll give you a call on Saturday, I have some thoughts for your bow but not going to reveal anything yet
:d :d :d :d You might change your mind when you shoot her:d :d :d :d But thanks mate I appreciate it.