I just purchased a new Covert Black op. I will be testing this out and will write a review after a test. After reading about there top notch customer service and Pat posting all those nice pics I think i will be changing over from Big rack trophy cameras to covert.
I'd love to read our when you're done. The guy that runs the pro shop here swears by them, that's all he sells. Kinda pricey tho...
Seems to me that it will do the same for the most part as a reconyx at half the cost. I hunt from several stands placed in different areas. For this reason I'm going to get the GSM provider for around $15 a month. prepaid and no plan. Also if some ones wants to cut through the lock to steal it pretty sure the chances are good i will get a pick of them. If it works like advertised it will be well worth the money for me. I will be Like a kid on christmas morning when this bad boy arrives.