I have a Hoyt Trykon that I have carried for years now. Love the bow but it's time for an upgrade. Wife and I just ordered 2015 Nitrum's. Mine in Bone Collector and hers in Vicxen. Cannot wait for them to come in.
Welcome to the forum ya'll! That's awesome you two hunt together. How long ya'll been doing it? I wish my fiance would be as into hunting as I am! Maybe your wife could give mine a little encouragement!
Broadhead27, My wife and I have hunted together since about 2008 maybe? She got tired of sitting at home whilst I was 'out traipsing around in the woods doing God knows what with my buddies'. I bought her a rifle and a bow and the rest is history. Now come deer season she is one of us, and a damned fine one at that. I taught her most of what she needed to know, what to look for, what not to shoot, treestand safety etc. She is a quick study, and in recent years it has become quite the competition between us. ( She is coming along but I usually win). If you want your fiance to get into the sport, let her shoot a bow or take her to the range and let her shoot a rifle. Usually once they see they can hit a target, they want to hit something alive. Just don't be 'that guy' and put her behind a 300 win mag or something. get her a 243, she'll love it.