@Bowhuntr64 FWIW has interacted with me and answered questions regarding his videos several times. I have appreciated his feedback each time.
Well thanks for the feedback. I try to engage and interact as much as I can. I spend several hours each week doing just that—replying to texts, phone calls, emails, pms on Facebook, Instagram and all the forums I’m a part of. I also try to keep up with the thousands of public comments on YouTube, below my vids. But I can’t follow all the comments on every thread I post. I really wish I could cause I love talking about all this. Last year I posted 70 vids on at least 25 different forums or online chat groups. I really do want to share stuff that I hope is helpful to a broad audience. But there’s just no way I can follow and comment on each post of each thread. However, I do try to do that...like replying here. And I do interact and respond to every pm I get on all those forums and chat groups. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Again, thanks for the feedback. Pls read my response to Tys comments. And just so you know, I’m not financially sponsored by anyone—though I’m not opposed to that if it’s in an arena outside my testing. I work full time as a Pastor and just do this cause I enjoy it. The ads do provide a small return in income—if I were to quantify it, my “salary” is probably about $5/hr in a good week. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I wish I could. But Many of the tests are so similar, it doesn’t really seem worthwhile. And there are so many other heads to test that fill up my schedule. I will try to do that here and there when I can. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I appreciate the response and I read the previous one. Always good to understand another perspective of it. Related to the income...keep it up and you will have no problem making bank. Not saying it is why you are doing it, just a by-product of your hard work.
Thanks for your work. I enjoy watching the videos. I find them helpful. I have purchased a couple things based on your tests. Thanks