NBA is Rich Batdorf or whatever his name is- he was with Newberry, HCA, Pearson, and is the guy who ALSO has a claim on the two track Binary (his R2B2 cam is on the Pearson models). I will be looking into a NBA for sure next year-anyone who comes out with a brand new bow line, and puts out leftys right away has got my attention. Not to mention they are reasonably priced in a world of ever constantly further and further out of reach high end bow prices. I've done the Elite thing and while they are very nice bows, and the new owner is a good guy- with the big price increase (and smaller profit margin for dealers), large % of bows not performing to spec, and now the departure of Kevin (and resulting loss of harcocre Kevin fans who have kept them in business), I can't see any reason to buy one over a NBA or Rytera, with the same quality and same performance for a couple hundred less, OR step up to much better machining and design work in a Hoyt that overperforms to advertised specs for the same price as the ELite.