Brand new to this after my 12 year-old got a bow for Christmas and talked me into getting one too. I looked and researched for about two weeks and ended up getting the Hoyt Charger. In my excitement, I didn't notice how 'loud' the bow is until my son asked why my bow was so much louder than his. So my question, what do I need to do to help quiet the bow? It came as a packaged deal, not sure what accessories would help. Thanks in advance.
Look into Sims Limbsavers. They make ones that you can put on accessories as well. One thing I would recommend is to double check that all accessories on the bow are tight because if you have any loose screws this can lead to a lot of noise.
Try lightly tapping the bow to see if you hear anything vibrating. Or better yet if you can ask someone else to shoot the bow so you can hear it. Do this outside if you can. anything that sounds loose snug it down. Noise drives me crazy and I will go as far as lining everything with moleskin to keep it quiet if I have too. If you don't have a press you can tie in cat whiskers or even install the mathews monkey tails. There should be some YouTube videos out there explain how to do either. It is also possible that your strings and cables have stretched and the string is smashing the string stop. Opinions vary here but the string stop should be just short of or lightly touching the string. I had somewhat the same issue with the Vector but once it was spec tuned, cat whiskers installed and the string stop adjusted its was quiet as a mouse.