Bowtech would be the draw. To become a dealer 1 you have to have a teritory, thay dont allow you to be to close to each other. 2 you are required to purchace a min number of bows in a year. so for me bringing on only one brand for now is all I would be able to do. Plus Im a Bowtec fan. lol
Those are some good ideas. Bowtech requires (prorated for this year) 20 bow min purchase. so to get up a running, ill have to pre purchase them myself. but i get what you are saying. once we operational.
Im sticking with the same primary bow for both my Hunting rig (07 Hoyt Vectrix) and my bowfishing rig (04 Browning Rage)....BUT, I will own a few more bows this year...Hoping to pick up a newish recurve to start into the trad deal, and will likely own 1-2 more bowfishing bows before the summer is over...spares are necessary, especially when taking other people...going to need em for some tourneys we plan on shooting this year too. So both here. Sticking with what I have, but picking up a recurve and some spare fishin bows.
Probably not... Until I find something that feels ridiculously better than my Allegiance, I probably won't buy another bow. If I were to buy a bow this year, it would be one of the following: 1. Alpha Max 35 2. Air Raid 3. '08 Allegiance or 101st.