will you be buying a new Bow this year or going with old reliable. Im taking a poll. Im looking into starting a Bowtech archery shop. I am looking for everyones thoughts on the economy and how it will reflect on your Hunting and Hunting equipment purchases. any input would be helpful. thanks. Mac
I just recently purchased a used Bowtech Tribute. If I had to guess I'll probably be sticking with this bow for at least 3 or so years just because I already had enough troubles coming up for the money for the Tribute because of paying for school.
You might have better business with selling Mathews! NO, Bowtech bows are great, Mathews is just what feels better for me. Bowtech I hope will start competing with Hoyt/Mathews a bit more, especially in target archery.
You can't go wrong w/Bowtech. When the tribute, ally, & guardian came out, my pro shop owner stated that Bowtech was outselling Mathews 2-1. Now you might consider selling several brands, if you can. the big 3: Bowtech, Mathews, & Hoyt. then you would open up your market. Another thing he does is sell used bows for customers, taking 10% of the sale. Usually those selling the used bows are buying new ones. good luck on your venture, hope you do well & prosper.
I am getting a new Bowtech this year, but if I like it as much as the one I am shooting now, I may not have need for one the following year as these two will suit my needs. Ah, what am I saying I like to mess with the new stuff.
I have an 2002 or 2003 Mathews Q2 and I love it. It's maxed out to about 72-73 lbs., I shoot a Beman 340 at 266 fps. So, this year I am getting a new bow. I want to try one of the new speed bows. It is very tough deciding which one to go with. I will shhot as many as I can before I flip a coin on the lucky winner! I'm leaning towards the Monster and the X-Force GX. However, I still want to shoot the XLR8 and the Omen just to see how "nasty" they really are. Furthermore, I am very intrigued with some of the smaller unknown companies like APA and Elite. Simply, they are just not around to try. Finally, I still have to try the new Bowtechs just because; and maybe a Hoyt too. Very confused with all the expectations but it should be fun!!!
I'm sticking with my old bow. I'm faithful & sentimental to things that work. As far as starting your own shop...I buy a lot of my stuff from a guy that has his shop in his home. He built a nice extension off the back of his home to be his shop & people come from near & far to buy from him. He's got a great reputation. I don't know what you're considering as your shop. But, if you can do it from your home, this would cut down on your overhead. Just a thought
Going new. As soon as they come out. My old bow is over 10yrs old. She has done her job, and done it well.
Bowtech just had it's best January ever. They are selling extremely well. If I had the time, I'd start one here in my area. There is no Bowtech dealer within 50 miles of me and those outside that area are doing extremely well. Good luck.
Negative. I'm a new-bow-every-6-years kinda guy. That's just how I roll. It takes a LOT to excite me about a new bow . . . and honestly, I haven't been "excited" about a new line of bows for about 3 years. The longer you hunt, and the more successful you become at it - the less likely it will be that you actually give half a rat's ass about new bows. It's quite the paradigm, really.
I already got it. Best shooting bow I've ever owned. Each year I ask myself, "How could it be better than last?" And, amazingly.........They succeed.
LOL Don, I said that very same thing up at Erie this past weekend at the Bowtech booth with Pat and Scott.