Well, that was my dilema. I was thinking about going out and shooting the BowTech Admiral and the Hoyt AlphaMax 32. I have got the urge to play with a new set-up :d Well, I decided that my 82nd has been good to me and I am just going to do a little upgrading on it. I just ordered new strings and cables. I went with the First String Fightwire set-up. I figure that I will give them a shot and see how good this set-up is and how close to centershot the pre-attached d-loop is and how the pre-installed peep sight works out. I can adjust them, but it will be interesting to see how they work out. I also decided to replace my Hi-Tec stabilizer and ordered a 7" Octane along with some Limbsavers. Here in a bit I am going to order a new grip, I want a full grip so I am going to go with a blue/black Loesch high wrist dymondwood grip. A new Octane 1-piece quiver and new arrows are also going to be ordered. I love tinkering :d
Tinkering sure is alot of fun, but just wait two weeks after it's all done and that Alphamax will start creeping back into your mind. No matter how much tinkering around a bowhunter does with his gear, nothing gives such satisfaction as a new bow.
I saved money this year by not doing upgrades OR upgrading bows. I want an Alphamax something fierce....but I need the money for other things. My bow will have to do for now. My strings should last atleast through this falls season.... I am finally completely satisfied with my equipment choices for accessories...even when I do eventually trade up bows, the accessories will remain the same, Ill just transfer them over. My next bow WILL have 60# limbs though, I can gaurantee that.
I know, I know, but I also know that I don't need a new bow, and I keep telling myself that next years lineup will be better and I will get one of them. :d My grip is ordered now, too bad I have no idea how long its going to take to get here :computer: One page said that they are shipping in 2-3 weeks and another said 8-10 weeks Now, I still gotta order my Octane quiver and new arrows and I will be set.
Honestly, if I had the money to spend, I would have three bows at all times. One main hunting, one backup, and one target. The target would actually be my third hunting rig, because, I don't ever foresee myself shooting anything outside hunter or MBR setups. The open rigs don't do it for me. Anyways, sounds good, though. The 82nd is awesome, and I don't think you would necessarily find earth shattering improvement moving from it to anything else at this point.
I was having this same debate, but the decision got made for me. The funds aren't allowing for a new bow right now so I will be sticking with a new string and accessories as well
I know, as nice as the Admiral and AM 32 look, I just don't know how much better they could be than my 82nd. I figure that I will just finish it up and customize it a bit. I am more excited about putting limbsavers on the bow than anything else. I never even payed attention to the fact that it didn't have any limb dampeners and I am hoping that they make a differance (not that it really needs it). I know that I am going to be happy to have the Loesch grip, I love the feel of a high wrist grip and I shoot it better than off the riser.
yeah, it's nice to upgrade & turn it into a new bow. A bunch of new options and you'll be just as excited.
I'm shooting with one limbsaver on (the other one fell off, lol). Not sure I noticed a difference, but I'm sure they help, I'm just not sensitive to noise/vibration.
Man I've got the fever for it too! I won't upgrade my bow though until next year. I can't complain though I had a good year with my bow.
What color strings did you go with? Can't wait to see the completed bow make-over. It is always a tough call to pass up a new bow in lieu of switching around accessories. I experience the same urge to get a new bow all of the time.
And what camo is your 82nd in? I think those would look SUPER nice on a Max-4 bow.......they would look nice on just about any camo pattern though.
My 82nd is Realtree APG. I think it will look pretty sweet but it definetly would go nice with the Max-4. I will give an update on these strings, it is a new concept and I figured that I would give them a try. I will post pics when everything comes in and I get her assembled.
Cool. Let us know how the peep and loop turned out. That is probably what I am most curious to see. Did you give them your existing measurements for the D-Loop and Peep location?
No, I had to pick my bow out of the options. I am curious to see the placement. If they aren't close it is no big deal to me as I will just adjust them into place, but I am really curious about how the set-up is. I imagine the D-Loop is going to be adjusted to the center of the string which should work out pretty nice for my bow, but the peep and peep locks have me wondering. I am wondering if you are supposed to slide the peep into place and then set the locks in place.... when I recieve the strings and read through the instructions I will let ya'll know what they say and how good it works. If it is easy to set-up it is a pretty cool concept, especially for a back-up string if hunting out west or something.
Interesting concept. I'm sure the peep will need adjusted, as that's more or less placed according to your specific anchor, but that's no biggie. I'm looking forward to seeing the final pictures. How did you hear about them?
I love tinkering too. New accessories can do the trick when a new bow isn't in the near future. I recently changed the color of my strings/cables, loop, rest cord, and string suppressor. It's not a new bow, but still has a "newness" factor to it.