Im in the market for a new bow i live in nj im looking for something light fast and can lay a punch on what ever comes its way. I have a martin monster buck which ive had for a long time it has been good to me but its time to move up. Thanks guys
The best thing you could do is find an archery shop near you with a bunch of different brands and shoot every bow you can till you find what you like. Your preferences are what will be a big determining factor for you. The only other thing I'd say to be aware of is brace height. The bigger the brace height, the more forgiving the bow is going to be, which can make a real difference when moving from an older bow.
Like BigStick said you need to go out and shoot as many different brands as possible. You have to find what feels right for you.
Great advice from BigStick. Most of the bows manufactucred today are well made. How they 'feel' in your hands is the most important factor. Have fun shootin'!