Hello, I have access to some nice farm land that I've seen some good bucks on. Really want to get a jump on setting things up for this coming bow season. I have bow hunted a few times but haven't taken a deer yet. Haven't yet hunted this land for anything but pheasant. Land is mostly corn and beans but some ok hedge rows. There are some woods not too far awy from the land i have access to but there really arent alot of groups of trees on my land. What are a few things I should be doing right now? Trail camera recommendations, tree stand recommendations, scouting strategies. I'm all ears so please share your opinions. I really appreciate it! Really stoked for this season.
If you haven't bow hunted in a while or just getting into it, make sure to check your bow to ensure it's in safe working order, then practice, practice, practice. Once you have a practice routine going and confident with your shot, find a pinch point on the property. From what you described, that would be where the corn, beans, and a hedge row all run into each other. Make sure to consider the wind (in North America wind "typically" comes from the W/SW) as well as how you will be entering the property. You don't want to walk from one end of the property to another but if you do, try to go a route where there isn't any deer bedding. If you spook a deer from it's bedding area before you even get to the stand you will really minimalize your chances of getting a shot. Good luck!
Welcome to the site, feel free to search the site on specific topics. Lots of good information to be found here.
My dad and I might be a similar situation. we are working on permission to hunt a lot of land. Our first step is to get out cameras on feeders that are already in a feeding area to take inventory of local deer. after we locate the number and type of deer we hunt we will start finding funnels and bedding areas. a good bet for you would be to talk to the farmer and see where he has been seeing deer, or the local mailman. good luck.
Dig in man, lots of good guys in the local tribe here, always will'n to help a brother out with some info or food for thought.