Nope RJ talk(posts) me out of it after I went and looked at it. I have a canoe and a 12 ft boat I am picking up tonight. Rob I only give out 1 way rides big boy
Better yet, are you gonna make your wife paint it and then take pics of her and the boat together for the whole world to see?
WOW, What a coincedence, I just bought one of those last week, after trying to find a used one for a month, I ended up buying a new one. Glad you got a good deal on it and Dam you Gr8 for getting yours free :D Mine cost me $$ . I sold my 12' john that i hated and got this so i can stand up and bow fish from it. I also have some Deer spots that I plan on floating into Mine is 86 lbs with seats, less motor and battery. Funny, I had just built this trailer for my quad since I now have a Jeep, and the Dam boat fits it like a glove Got lucky!!