Our new Bear attractant is finished and available online. http://www.monsterraxx.com/page/monster-raxx-xxtreme-bear-lure What do you think of the logo?
Love the logo! How well does the new scent work? You run trials on it? Is it something you just spray on ground and vegetation, or on actual bait pile?
I know when I lived in and hunted PA we could not bait bear. Since this is an attractant and not a bait, would it still be illegal to spray it on vegetation?
I wish. the rule reads "it is unlawful to use scents or lures". Stinks we have some great bear out here and I live in one of the top 5 counties for it, but really the only way to get one is to do a drive and even then you have to be lucky to even see one, you dont have the luxury of being selective and because of that the avg bear harvested in PA ranged from 90-125lbs. They opened an archery season for bear but without even being able to use scents your odds are so low. Makes it really not worth going out and sitting in a tree when you know you more then likely wont even see the animal you are after...let alone get a shot.
From my understanding you can not use even scents in NY and NC anymore either. Its crazy to me, I do not see why. I promise you if you could in PA I would be your first customer for this! I love bear and wish I could get into hunting them but PA made it no fun lol...in my opinion of course.
well, thats resident of course...no clue the price on non resident but either way anyone can buy a tag.
I may have to order some and give it a try. I am a rookie at this so I need to figure out what works for me. How much is in a bottle?