I need some suggestions regarding new arrows and broadheads. I feel I did not put enough thought into this last year as it was my first year bowhunting. I am 5'9" and have a 28" draw length and am shooting 58-60#. I am shooting a 2006 Bear Instinct. What are some suggestions you may have as far as what arrow I should be using (weight, brand, etc) and if I should go with a mechanical or fixed blade this year. I shot Grim Reapers last year but have been thinking of a fixed blade this year. I went to the local archery shop a few times and they never really guided me on what specific weight of arrow I should be shooting depending on my height, draw length, poundage, etc do I was hoping I could start here before visiting them again! If you have any specific arrows or broadheads I should look into, that would be great! If there is anything I missed that would be helpful, just let me know.
As far as Fixed VS Mechanical goes, There are pros and cons to both. Mechanical usually has a bigger cutting diameter, however sometimes (rare) but sometimes the blades don't open and you are basically shooting a smaller fixed broadhead. You don't have that problem with fixed, but the cutting surface is most of the time smaller. So it really is a personal preference. I cant help much on the weight of the arrows, but I'm sure someone on here could help you more with that.
Your probably going to be shooting a .400 spine arrow. With your bow and draw length providing your mostly deer hunting I would pick a medium weight arrow with a finished weight about 375-400 grains. Gold Tip Velocity 400's come to mind.
If I were you, I'd find a more personable bow shop willing to give you extra time to set you up right. I love my bow shop. The guy has opened his doors to me on his off days just to get me what I needed because I worked odd hours. Once you find a good shop, don't wait til the last minute (right before season) and expect one on one service. Get in there now when they aren't so busy and you'll be good to go by Fall Archery.
I would probably recommend a 100 grain fixed blade broadhead. I have shot many different types of broadheads over the years both mechanical and fixed and I always find myself going back to the fixed and that's where I will stay from now on. Mechanical broadheads have to open on impact, thus taking away energy and momentum, which can cause less penetration.Thus the name Mechanical (things don't work all the time). Not saying you cant blow thru a deer with a mechanical cause you can and I have,but I found and heard to many times from people that when you get into dense bone ,mechanicals, especially the bigger cutting diameter ones do not penetrate near as well as the fixed blade. 100 grain broadhead is a good mid- range weight to use. I am shooting 100 grain Slick Trick 4 blade standard fixed broadheads and I highly recommend them. The penetration and blood trail are by far the best I have shot in over 20 years of bowhunting. I have shot Rages, Thunderheads, Rockets, Muzzy,Wasp, and others. Slick trick is what I will be sticking with from now on. Just make sure to correctly look at the arrow chart at the archery shop or online and get the correct spined arrow that is determined by arrow length, what weight/grain broadhead and what draw weight. A correctly spined arrow and a good papertune will make a very big difference in penetration and kinetic energy cause the arrow is flying true. I would suggest a good carbon arrow which there are several different brands out there (Gold tip, Easton, Carbon Express, Beeman),just depending on the price range your looking at. Hate to hear your bow shop is not very helpful. I worked at one a couple of years while going to college and always made sure I helped the customers on what they needed and made sure everything was correctly charted and fitted to them.
400 spine, but you could buy 350/340 if you plan to up the dw soon. Download the trail software and see. Pinwheel I think.