I heard some chatter on another site about Ohio dividing archery up into two separate seasons. They would have a early and late season, and only have crossbows legal in the late season while the new antler-less tags would only be available in the early season. ODNR Link I find this very interesting, and i would actually like it. Not having to share the woods with "converted" gun hunters would be nice. Now i dont want this to turn into a crossbow debate by any means. Any opinions on this?
Some chatter within the hunting community suggest that crossbows will only be legal during the late archery season. Nothing is official yet though from what i have heard.
I would bet almost anything this is not true... They are allowing more deer tags now then ever in an attempt to reduce the herd. I seriously doubt they would put 55-60% of Ohio's archers on hold until the "late" season.
In some areas around here its a good bit higher than that. Tons of Amish and they ALL use crossbows. They aren't going anywhere just too much money involved.(even though it would be an awesome idea)
Yes, I also live in NE Ohio. Trumbull County to be exact. I do see a good bit of Amish with vertical bows though.
You know on second thought, i have seen some Amish hunt with recurves Scott. Not trying to bash them or anything. My mom was actually Amish until she was 14. Thank god she "jumped the fence".