After watching hours and hours of video applications and narrowing it down to a couple finalists, we have finally selected the new team for HB. Congratulations to the White brothers – Nick, Matt and Scott. See full story and more pictures at
Congrats to those guys; they're hooking up with some of the best guys in the biz, that's for sure! The mass on that one stud is just freakin' awesome!
Congrats to the White Brothers! I actually just interviewed Matt White for my blog, we discussed his journey as a bowhunter, how they came to join Heartland Bowhunter and the plans for 2010! Really interesting chat, these guys are going to be great on HB. Check out the interview here...
You guys had first dibbs. I couldn't believe Frank turned down the opportunity without even speaking to you guys.... hahahhaha
Matt has also become a contributor for Wired To Hunt. Check out his first article, Out In The Open, which discusses the merits of shed hunting in wide open fields! It's definitely worth checking out, if for no other reason you gotta see a pic he has of hundreds of sheds that they collected.