Congrats man, I knew it was close...Lucky Girl gets to be born in GA, even though her daddy pulls for Tenn. What is her name.
nice work! good looking lil' one. best of luck this season getting out in the field with that one at home....
Thanks guys! Michael we named her Abigail Elizabeth. SevenMag if I do my job she'll never have on Crimson. :D The wife knows I plan to be in the woods opening day and there's been no evil looks....yet. This is our 4th so the wife should be a pro by now right.
That's what my dad told me. This will be our last. :D Someone told me I was about to have my hands full. I told them I already did. I have 9 and 8 year old boys then a 2 year old and newborn girls.
Congradulations GA, she's beautiful. Hope your getting some sleep at night, because I sure as hell am not. My wife gave birth to our baby girl last month. I'm in zombie mode right now. Best of luck again!