Wondering if anyone has bowfished with a Mathews Z7 Extreme. If so what did you put on it to change it over for fishing? Thanks for any help!
Turn the draw weight down as far as possible, or to about 28-35 lbs. Add a reel and a rest that will hold up to the weight of a bowfishing arrow. (I like the quick draw or the Muzzy fish hook) I will suggest an AMS retreiver pro reel. Make SURE you use safety slides on all your fishing arrows.
Ok so i would need a new bow, mine only turns down to 60. Any recommendations? If its not too much to ask what all is on your setup? So i can i have an idea of what to look for.
bowfishing rigs usually take a lot of abuse. i got a new bow this past season and would never use it for bowfishing. i actually went out and bought a $30 bear bow. i think it was made in the industrial revolution, but it works and i don't feel bad about beating it like a rented mule.