I'm pretty fortunate, actually, in the fact that the area where we bought our house is made up of large lots, and sections of woods, so people aren't really right on top of you. It's fairly quiet. When we were first working on the house but not yet moved in (around March/April), the neighbors across the hollow that borders my lot, rode dirt bikes and quads ALL day every day. 2 stroke bikes screaming through the woods, quads tearing everything up, etc. Now, I don't own that land they're riding on, so I just deal with it. Again today, they're out and have been riding all day again (one 2 stroke bike is possibly the loudest, high pitched bike I've ever heard). None of them have helmets on...surprise. The house next door has been for sale for most of the time we've lived here, but just sold. Of course the family that bought it has screaming kids, and a father who has short fuse. I hear him screaming at the kids, the kids screaming and crying, dog barking...oh my gosh. I swear I must be an old man already, but I hate noise where I live. I need to find myself some land... How are your neighbors? Am I just being a whiner?:D
Overall, I have great neighbors. The neighbor on my right is a big hunter, great cook, and has many great stories to tell.The neighbor on my left is a dumbass. At one point, he was riding his vehicle up MY driveway and over the hill (property line) to his driveway. He did this w/out asking and was making a habit of it. I don't know why because nothing is wrong with his. So I had to tell him to stop doing that especially since I could start seeing tire tracks. Lets see here....he is completely obsessed with Tony Stewart (nascar driver). Two of his vehicles are painted home depot orange, mailbox with a big 14 on it, and I even heard his living room is the same color. Both his old truck and 4 wheeler have truck nuts installed. Also, last year while I was skinning my buck he came up and seriously asked if it was a buck or a doe. Whats funny is his truck has hunting/buck stickers on it. Supposedly a big hunter/outdoorsman. He's such a poser and a dumbass.
Very nice. I'm on a little over 2, the neighbor to the west is on 2 (he's and older gentleman...very nice), the new neighbors are on 1.5, and the one's with the quads must own a decent chunk (that or they're trespassing in that hollow). My parents on the other hand (and where I grew up) are on 90 acres, neighbors to the west are on 10, south are on 70, east are on 147, and north are on ~100. THAT'S good living Eh, what the heck. I'll go out and shoot a bit. Need to enjoy this weather rather than complaining I suppose.
Matt, Jeff, you've both been here. I feel fortunate. I have great neighbors. I hear an occasional power tool but they hear mine as well. No kids, no dirt bikes, an occasional quad but hell, I have one too. I hear cows, coyotes and crows. The noisiest thing in our "neighborhood" is now my Harley. I'm at the top, end of the line so they all get to enjoy it as I come and go. My dog thinks he owns the mountain but we're spread out enough his bark has to be muted. I very well may be the noisiest neighbor as I have the occasional party that usually last til daylight the next day but they all know they are in invited. We have occasional desert nights, horde-avers night etc.... Yup, good neighbors, I feel fortunate.
Neighbour on the left is 9 feet to the line, neighbour on the right is 9 feet to the line. Left is ok cept for their barking border collie, neighbour on the right, well lets just say I'd like to bulldose his place. Then I could shoot my bow as well, till someone called the cops. Why someone like him has a house is beyound me. Pure trash, no other way to put it. My 2nd retirement will be different, much different.
I feel very lucky with my neighbor situation. They are all nice and in 8 years haven't had even the slightest conflict. Of course they all probably think I am some crazy psycho, shooting my bow so often & from the trees in the yard, cutting deer all fall, boiling deer skulls on the porch, the list goes on.
Yeah...ya old coot. I am lucky, the most offensive thing my neighbors do is watch me shoot my bow and play with my four wheeler toys and such. I am lucky.
The closest house is about 120 yards from my door. That's entirely too close. For quite sometime we had no curtains in the house. Then we noticed the nearest neighbor had a telescope in their backyard, under a tree, pointed at our yard. Hmmm... ??? There's actually a row of houses on that side of our yard. I'm thinking about getting a privacy stockade fence. (along with some concertina wire, a moat and a mini gun on a turret.....) It's not that I'm not neighborly... I just don't like people. :D The neighbors seem to be cool enough tho'. Everybody seems to keep to themselves (in a good way). The telescope neighbors used to be a bit friendlier but not since we got curtains.
Unfortunately our house is in a neighborhood that is really packed with houses. No shooting outside, not nearly enough room unfortunately. Our lot is only 65'x150'. Most of our neighbors are tolerable, several of them I really like a lot, and the others don't really bother me. I never can hear anyone when I'm in the house, but when outside everyone hears everyone. It's a nice suburb neighborhood though, and we are really lucky to have gotten into the house we have for the $$$ spent. Both Lisa and I can't wait till we can cash out of this place though, and move into the country where we can buy some land and have some more privacy. I'm hoping within the next 3-4 years we can make this happen.
Yes, Rob, you have quite the location...very lucky. Honestly, it's mostly quiet (in fact the quads and bikes hadn't been ridden all summer long until today). I guess it just ticks me off how many there are and how loud it was. It's not my final home, so I know that someday, I will have NO immediate neighbors.
I'm probably the neighbor you guys complain about...lol... I I have neighbors on each side and to the front, and my 7 acre field behind me, in which I rip my atv up and down frequently... sometimes at night...lol... I shoot guns off my porch from time to time, actually had the GW called on us for doing so(still don't know who made that call), He came asked in which direction we were shooting, I showed him, he stated "Nothing wrong here... Have a good day" and he was on his way... I have an old truck 1969 Chevrolet... I've woke them up before... But, we help each other all the time and I try not to do that, sometimes, I don't realize how late it is when I do things... We all get along with each other and practice a your welcome here anytime for anything you need, just come over and get it.
It's true at times I feel hypocritical in that I rode quads and bikes a lot growing up, but it was on 90acres surrounded by larger tracts of ground. If they only do it occasionally, I will be fine, but if you can't sit outside and enjoy the silence every now and then, it becomes very bothersome.
True that... I go riding in West Va where you GO to ride and I Cant stand to ride with someone who has a 2 stroke.