Taxidermist phoned last night.. I finally get to bring in some antler off my 2007 whitetail. Time to pick a pose. Post some pics of your mounts please.. I like to browse through.. see what pose I like. GregH.. I know your buck from 2007 was basically the pose I was looking at before.. if you see this.. could ya throw a pic up for us.. it might be the winner still. Thanks.
Can you post a photo of the buck in question? I am guessing you want photos of poses other than semi-sneak and the traditional upright forms?
I wasn't sure if you were talking about the wide buck or this one. I personally like certain types of forms for different types of racks For a tall rack like that I think this pose would look nice.... I think it is also the one JZ picked last year? Mugshot. Closeup side view.
If I ever take a true giant typical buck, I will put it on a wall pedestal I like the look, I would just have to shoot a giant to use the form.
I personally think I'm going to do a hard offset shoulder on my next deer. Almost a pedastal-type mount, but on the wall. Probably a hard turn in the upright position. Kind of like what my dad has over his TV, if you know what I'm talking about. That type of mount looks really good on bucks with bigger necks, which yours has. Regardless of pose, I'd have Dale put the ears back since he's got a narrow rack.
Of course I know what you're talking about.. the mind tends not to forget a 150" whitetail over your chums dads television. I know already I want the ears back too.. whats the name of that mount Justin.. do you have a pic somewhere of deer hide actually on it?
Isnt that the mount hunsuker just posted a photo of the other day? His velvet buck? This is the style form I covet if I ever get one big enough to fill it out :d
I do like that one alot.. but I'm saving that one for a pedestal mount to the deer I shoot one day whilst owning the sheds off of. It is a good looking position.
The mannequin I posted is a McKenzie 9800 series upright wall pedastals. Unfortuantely I don't have a photo of that particular pose with the hide on. All they really show you is the mannequin. How about something like this? A full sneak with an upward head tilt. Very cool.
I would not want to mount a buck based on how others mounts look, but rather on what mount or form best represents YOUR buck best based on his antler shape and size... A good taxidermist is an artist, and should have some great suggestions on what forms would represent your buck well..
My mount Dan was based a few moments before the shot and his ears are just like they were when I released. I try to have my mounts as my last visual of him before the shot.