Hi guys, Steve here from southern Wv. I wanna say I just joined and the forum is great. I've been bowhunting 3 years now and have killed two little bucks. I'm still learning a lot about it. I joined a lease this year with my buddy and I haven't seen but only 1 doe while on the stand. I have been putting corn out cause that's the way I learned but I am thinking about getting away from feeding because it seems like they just eat it at night. I've been scouting a lot on Sundays but I just haven't found any sign at all. The area is fairly rugged high ridges and deep hollers. My question is am I just wasting time and money sittin over a corn pile? Am I just not lookin in the right spots for deer sign? I aprreciate any help y'all could give me.
Welcome. And yes you are right when you dump corn almost all deer will hit it at night when they cover the most ground. If you are not seeing any sign then you need to slow it down and look harder possibly getting into some thicker cover. Find some active trails and hunt those. Look in scrapes for fresh prints. fresh rubs. Sign is there it just takes time to locate and get on them. Post a map of the land you hunt.
Thanks. I will slowdown when I am scouting. I'm gonna hold off on the corn I want to be able to get the deer myself. The area is 8000 acres and over 2 counties. I have a small map on paper but pretty much an old topo map. I've read some about checking saddles in ridges and benches with thick cover. And where points come together.
I love hunting saddles and oak flats near saddles.....use to have access to place like you describe but the monster that lived there keep out smarting the five people that hunted him....one saddle had a huge gulley that went down the ridge I stayed there a lot and on day I saw ten does and a 160 run up that draw but my nerves made me miss but a hunt I'll never forget