my nephew who is 16 and loves to hunt .. was in a terrible accident last year and now is out of his house and has no hunting gear .. he stays with me and i was just wondering if there was anyone out there that would donate some xl hunting clothes .. would greatly appreciate this and i know jacob will to..
PM me or put out the address and I will send him some XL hunting and regular clothing if he is in need.
Same here. My expanding belly has caused me to move 2XL, so I have a ton of stuff that needs a good home. Let me know what he needs. I also have a bunch of hunting boots that are in good shape, but no longer see the field.
the adress is 917 brentwood court new albany indiana 47150 i appreciate the help if you will adress it to him because this kid hasnt had much to be happy about and i think this will rejuvinate him
his familys home had a tree fall on it during a huge icestorm we had in january.. it hit a phone line and caught fire so they lost everything theyre staying at my house now
hey virginia.. thanks for your generosity. hes a wrestler also so his team donated reg clothes to him his birthday is around the corner and i bought him some stuff but im just a fast food manager cant get much .. this is just something i thought would help him and his family tons
thanks .. you all are awesome this kid will be psyched for the first time in a while god bless all of you
PM me an address. I am don't have a lot of hunting stuff, but I have a ton of button down shirts in xl that I am never gonna get in again.
guys i appreciated all of your alls gift ideas.. but since this was posted i received a check in the mail from a person who wishes to remain anonymous for a large amount to get the family back on their feet. so if you have not shipped anything yet .. please dont worry about it .. all i ask is you keep them in your prayers... thank you and god bless
I'm Glad to hear your families fortunes have changed, just remember to forward on any "extra" stuff you don't need to some one in "need", it will give you a great feeling to know you've helped another hunter. Good luck to you and your family, Jim