In cool temperatures spray foam is an excellent chem warfare weapon the reds will try to shove their face in the hole and the head is coated in wet foam, works on armilidillos too I heard from a guy that did that except the hole is foamed shut and flushes the dillo out.
I went to redeploy the trap and the neighbor knocked on her window so I would look and she gave me the finger, I waved back like Forest Gump.
Neighbors are gone till March, every trap will be deployed, ready to kill every last red no matter how many collateral losses there are. Just need to kill 1 last red before chipmunk season starts.
From the lake to the bay the peninsula will be red and munk free. You will be hunted, trapped, shot, removed. Zero settlement is accepted we have borders here.
This warm weather has the reds moving. Just shot this one . He was way up a big basswood tree. He fell and landed right on top of one from a few days ago.
I put out the traps yesterday evening nothing came in before dark. Should have a couple dead by the time I get home.
I have a big rock in the front yard with the suet feeder by it. O the weekends I will dump a half of coffee can of peanut parts on the rock, by the time I get back in the house a half dozen bluejays are there raising a ruckus and that is the dinner bell to draw the squirrels.
I was out in the garage and there was a gray squirrel on the bench by the fire pit. I figured I would see if I still had it and loaded up the gamo. Squirrel jumped down and was climbing up a tree I was patient watching him thru the scope, he paused and I pulled the trigger. He dropped right after the shot it was an honest 30 yard shot. I count it as a long range sniper kill.
I was thinking I neglected to add a little peanut butter inside the trap, that seems to make them jam their head in. Battle plan changed for operational period tomorrow. Change tactics based on ammo availability, rebait traps sniper attacks on grays save the remaining 3 410 rounds for the red enemy. I might start throwing the carcasses on the ice for the eagles.
Another sniper kill this morning 2 for 2 on 25 yard plus shots with the gamo. Amazing I can hold steady with a scope again. Going to return the crossbow vice rest I can hold steady again it is amazing.
Just got a pass thru shot with the gamo, I am on fire can't miss. Still can't get the red I saw him this morning I will keep killing until I get him.