I have a Mathews z7 switched from a whisker biscuit to a QA Hunter rest and a Spott Hogg Fast Eddie XL. I put my rest on and set my center shot. Then mounted my site. Set 2nd and 3rd axis. My problem is when I draw and look threw my peep I can only get 3/4 of the site ring in my peep. If I move my rest out to move the site out. My center shot would be off. Is that something I will have to live with or is there something I can do. Any suggestions would be appreciated Sent from my iPhone using Bowhunting.com Forums
I think he means his sight ring is close to the riser to the point the view thru the peep is compromised. I know exactly what you are talking about, I will leave it to the bow experts to form a remedy.
I've seen a handful of bows that actually tuned that way but not many and certainly none of the z7 series. How did you set your centershot? Is the rest bare shaft tuned, broadhead tuned, paper tuned? For simplicity, we're going to assume that you aren't torquing the bow some ridiculous amount and that your arrows are 100% properly spined. From there tune your rest. Personally I hate paper tuning because I always end up broadhead tuning and changing it later. Don't worry about what someone else says "center shot" should be... find it yourself. After that's done, if the problem still exists, you can look for a smaller sight housing and smaller peep.
I had my bow in a bow vise. Leveled the string and riser. Then I took a center shot gauge set the rubber at the center of the arrow at the knock. Then turned it over and aligned the center of the arrow to the rubber about 8" out in front of the riser. Is that the correct way to set it. Thanks for the response Sent from my iPhone using Bowhunting.com Forums
I have had that problem and still do now that I have a larger sight housing. In order to get a clean paper tune tear, my rest is moved in towards the riser. It's strange, but it works. I get clean paper tune holes every shot now. I still shoot feathers to prevent any fletching contact w my riser issues. By having my "center shot" in towards the riser, I can now see the majority of my sight housing.
I also own a z7 with a QA hunter. I have a 1/4" tube peep and also tried the spot hog. I didn't like the sight and opted for a three pin with a larger sight housing. Try a larger peep or a sight with a larger diameter. Or both. Good hunting.