1) I need a new finger tab. I am shooting three under and I keep tearing up these tabs. I feel like I need a finger tab that keeps my three shooting fingers uniform in balance. 2) I would like to purchase a bow quiver. I always had one on and ready with my compound and I would like to have one on my recurve "just in case". Any advice on what finger tab and bow quiver to purchase would be much appreciated, thanks. Brett
My 3 finger under tabs are nothing special. Most probably don't like my choice for a tab being It's fairly thin. Sometimes I don't like my choice of tab either for that reason. As far as a quiver there are some outstanding bow mounted quivers out there. Check these out at Anneewakee Archery. I just purchased one a month or so ago and liking It so far. The only draw back I have with this quiver Is that It's too wide on the bottom side of the quiver where my fletchings are. Putting my bow In my case with the quiver full of arrows Is very tight. Here's their link. http://www.kanatiquiver.com/ Before the Kanati quiver I had a Great Northern bow quiver. I really liked this quiver as well but I couldn't use the limb bolts that Will made for me. I felt bad about It so that's why I went with a Kanati quiver. My recurve Is a takedown and the style of quiver I went with Is a bolt on. I like the arrow configuration much more on the Great Northern but the Kanati to me Is stronger and more durable and plus It works with the limb bolts Will made for me. To me you can't go wrong with either one. Here's the link. http://www.3riversarchery.com/Quivers+Bow+Great+Northern_c14_s21_p52_thumb.html Here's another quiver I wouldn't mind having either. If my riser on my recurve had holes already drilled and tapped I would've went with this one. http://www.3riversarchery.com/Quivers+Bow+Fred+Bear+Quiver++Custom_c14_s21_p43_i3193_product.html
When I shot tabs, I really liked the black widow 3 under tab. As far as quiver, I hate the selways. Try to find one thats removable. It really changes your shooting.
I have shot the same tabs for a couple of years now, no sing of wear! I cut the from leather, I can get any thickness I want and don't feel to bad butchering them up to the shape I like! I pay like $5 for a piece that I can cut 8 tabs out of! Are you using a brass nock set, this could be the reason your tabs are getting beat up? Check out Eagles Flight Archery, they make a pretty nice b ow quiver, since your a member of tradgang Don will give you a deal, just mention it to him and your good to go! I'm all about the Arrowmaster, it does what I need it to do and then some!
I am going to order one of those in a bit. Picked up a calf hair and leather tab today. It was a lot more slick than my current tab, and it proved to be a cleaner release.
I am rather shocked your tearing these up. Your not using a brass nock are ya? I try to tie mine with B50 or FF string material.