I've been on the forum for a few years, but things have changed. I tried posting some pics, BUT when I try and upload a pic the web site is asking me for a URL rather then allowing me to browse my phone or computer. I know you need a URL for videos, but for pics this is new!. Where the heck is the URL on a pic? I can't find that anywhere. HELP!!!
Vermont Whitetail Check out the buttons next to post. You should have the option to upload a file. Once you upload it it will ask if you want a thumbnail or full image. Click one of those and it will add the pic to your post. Hope that helps.
If you want to upload directly from your phone or computer then yes sir. The image button is for images that are already posted somewhere like photobucket or Google.
from a computer, you can just drag and drop a picture onto your reply box and it will upload it. then you select if you want to put a full size or thumbnail picture. just like this.