Hey guys, trying to get a handle of just how many are really coming out. If anyone has invited friends and their attending, we need to know how many. We will need to order food and set up teams. If you do have a number post it here, and we'll tally it up with Justin's official sign-up sticky post. Also, be sure that you signed up under Justin's "official sign-up" sticky, so that you get your T-shirt.
Right now, if I make it up at all it will just be for the day on Saturday. I'm not sure I could sleep in a tent after my surgery just yet. I'm still not sure I can make the 5 hour drive, I know I couldn't today, but I still have a couple of weeks to recover. Don't put me on a team, as I have not been practicing and may not be the most mobile by then. I'm planning on being there, but not sure how much I will be participating in the activities. I'll let you know when things get a little closer to the date.
I have alot of people coming this year........ Eddie, rick, jordan, christine, eli, vicki, zachery, brandon, tim, hanna, emily, and i think that covers everyone in my group..... My total is 11 plus me so 12 count for us...
I might have a buddy coming out but depends on his work and how backed up he is. I told him how much Hank loves Hoyt so he might pull a Happy Gilmore and distract Hank at the shoot so he comes in last.
I'm really, probably, going to be there at some point. K will likely be with me. Don't put me on a team... as I probably won't be bringing a bow. I'll probably eat and run.