Yesterday afternoon I missed a buck 20 yards arrow flew high. I was sitting in a tree stand approximately 15 feet in a tree. I shot my bow this morning at 20 yards and place 3 arrows in a quarter size circle. My question is this, could the reason my arrow missed high be I did not compensate for the angle sitting in the tree stand. My aim was for the crease right behind the shoulder for double lungs....any advice for a novice shooter.
Honestly....No! Not trying to be a butt, could it have been from getting nervous or pulling your shot? When I first started bowhunting in the mid 90's. I missed a ton of Not saying you just started bow hunting either. Just saying I pulled a lot of shots from getting excited. Now, I don't get excited until after I shoot. Then I better sit down so I don't
I was having a miss at deer and target checked spot on same as you . I discovered that I was griping the release when shooting at deer this had the arrow going right and up. I would call it a hidden form of buck fever. Now part of my set up is to open my hand and feel my thumb on my throat (open hand) This has solved the problem for me.
No im sure you pulled the shot. At 20 yds 15 ft up you will hit perfect with your pin without compensating.
I agree... with the performance level of modern era compounds and arrows I haven't found there to be any difference from shooting on the ground or 20 feet up. You might be able to make that argument for older bows with aluminum arrows. Like capt kirk said, if you don't already... shoot with an open grip. Plus get a wrist sling.
I shot and missed one this evening. Arrow flew high, I failed to follow thru. I have to concentrate and remember: aim, release, follow thru.
Have you practiced this shot before? It's always possible the deer jumped the string. I had a big buck do that to me a few years ago at 20 yards. It looked like he did the limbo right under my arrow.
Did you bend at the waist for the shot. If you just lowered your bow arm it can cause you to shoot high because it changes your form.
Yup... good point. Draw and anchor just as if your were on the ground face horizontally straight, then tilt at the waist making sure waste up doesn't move