If you are looking for a score I think we will need atleast another pic. It is hard to say exactly what he has going on with just that pic. I do know one thing though I would definitley shoot him
Hard to say with only the veiw from the right,can't count nothing on the right beam barely. I'd rough guess him to be a good 160 maybe 170 buck. Can tell better when the dang velvet comes off though,so decieving. Good luck getting an arrow in him. Rocky
Dandy buck!! Don't think he quite makes 160... Hard to tell with velvet. They shrink up so much. Would look great on the wall!!! MN
hes gonna get shot but long going bet with some friends i actualy have him just barely hitting 150 but i have had to many people tell me 160 170 and i dont see where they r getting that from cause ive scored a number of deer and i am finding myself secound guessing myself and wondering where im missing a possible 20 inches but i think he will make a good skull mount