Looks like I may be in Nebraska the middle of April and was thinking about staying a few extra days to do a little turkey hunting. Anybody know much about Nebraska? Much public land? Is permission easy to obtain from the landowners? Are there large tracts of private land, or smaller? Any help would be appreciated!
I THINK (you native Nebraskans tell me if I am wrong) that on CRP land if ther is not a sign out that says no hunting it is available to hunt. But I am not gonna say that is 100 % fact. Something to research maybe?
Dan, PM me your email Addy and I will send you a message I got about NE Turkey. Birds are everywhere, apparently access isn't hard to get, even though it isn't needed due to ALL the public land. NW has true merriams, find water elsewhere to find birds. If/When I head out for a Merriams, I am going to try to do a NW NE / SW SD trip and get two states in this way.