No, I didn't get a deer. In fact, I still don't even have a job... (grr). But I have been out looking at both. jobs during the days, and I have seen quite a few deer throughout the area, over the last few days... I did finally go shooting today. My wife's cousin lives over by the Carolina Sportsman place, so I managed to escape to there for a little bit today. It was kind of difficult to find, I really don't know why, but my GPS was trying to send me through a car wash... lol. Boy do I have the fever though. My wife is getting irritated with me, because I almost stopped up traffic on Capitol Blvd, for some deer lol. They were on the side, eating, and hanging out. Not even trying to pass the road. over all, I have to say, I have no idea how you guys can even go out there, and hunt. The bugs, and green leaves MUST be killing you! I did think of a down side to hunting for me though. I don't have anywhere to process the deer. I'm pretty sure my neighbors would have a chit-fit if I rented out one of the garages at the apartment here. and everyone else in the family has no garage either. Where do you guys get yours done at? Do you like them, price?
I imagine people in Raliegh would have a fit with a deer being strung out. I live in New Bern and there used to be a butcher on the other side of Clayton (County Line Butcher Shop) if im not mistaken. I heard that at one time he did it, not sure if he still does or what the fee was.