Only the NC people will get the Neuse-ance, thing... but I thought it was funny...XD Anyways... I saw this report on the news last night, and then I started digging into the website a little further, and found a couple other interesting stories. Thought I would share them with you guys, in case you missed them, or might care. lol Story from last night. An interview with NCWC Chairman Steve Windham. This one is pretty good (informative)... More on the first story (video) This is just kind of funny, but I'm glad she's okay... Hrmmmm... Think we have a problem yet?? How about now? I know this happens quite a bit, but really? Just throw him in the cart, and bring it up to the register… lol
Should have hog-tied it, threw it in the cart, and took it to self check out, then looked confused when the barcode was missing... I'm tellin' ya. It would be good. Better news story than this one...!
Reading the response are typical from a bunch of educated idiots on how to control the deer population is insane. About 2 years ago I read a story of one state giving deer birthcontrol pills dropped from planes... Now that **** was funny!
I hunted the past two Saturdays in our Urban Season. I've got a friend with 1.2 acres, the first night I seen 13 does the second night I seen 14 does. These deer had a cow path worn across the graveyard adjacent to the the tiny patch of woods I was in. These deer maybe accustom to humans but I got busted getting down 45 minutes after dark and I haven't seen the first deer there since.