I was talking with my son and mentioned that we should try a pop up this year, he said why, lets just use/make a natural one like we always have! I like the boys thinking! For you ground blind hunters, do you like hunting out of a Pop up or a natural ground blind better?? .
This will be my first year using a ground blind. My daughter and I will be using a pop up. There will be situations where I plan to use natural but, with her, and the places I will hunt with her, the pop up is a much better option.
Funny you mention this, I'm building one tomorrow. We are going to use 4 T-Posts, some cattle panels, a couple tarps, and then brush it in real good. I don't know if you would consider that natural or not. I have used both a pop-up and a natural (nothing but limbs) ground blind. Both are effective as long as you brush them in fairly well. The plus side to a natural blind is that it saves some money
I hear ya, saving money is awesome! I was relieved when he said why buy one??? Theres something about having turkeys a few feet away in the open, I guess he really likes those up close and personal encounters!
Both.. But my only bowkill from the ground was from a natural blind (doe). I used a downed cedar tree and other brush, played the wind. Its even more of a rush from the ground imo..
I really like the pop-ups. Just nice to be able to totally conceal movement (especially with kids) and I think it helps a little with scent control. Also, mine do a nice job of shedding some rain and snow. A little warmer too for late hunts. I have had success from both and admit it is fun to build the natural blinds. I have also had great success building blinds with small square bales. Pop-ups are a nice option for a quick set up.
Thanks Jeff, but the boy doesn't want me to buy one, which is good. I'm all about natural if anything and it appears as if Dom is as well!
In my experience, natural blinds are better. I have taken 3 shots (1 kill) from a natural blind, compared to 0 from a pop-up.