Lets see some of your pics of your natural ground blinds...I will be putting a couple together next week and want some ideas. Thanks
All my Turkey hunting is done in natural ground blinds from natural materials. I have never tried Deer hunting from them but may try some this season for a Doe. I make mine from either Cedar branches or pine branches. Ill either pile them in three sides around me giving me just enough room to squeeze an arrow over it. Last Turkey season my blind was a partial dead and fallen pine trunk and branches. I simply went in early with a chainsaw, trimmed it and added some fresh pine branches to it. It also consisted or two barriers on the sides consisting of small pines, so i can draw when they are behind them. works great!!
I don't have any pics but my favorite natural blind I've ever made is a fallen cedar and other brush/branches, that are shaped in a semi-circle with another cedar as a backdrop. It is on a shelf of a ridge and I was fortunate enough to kill a doe from it last December, 2 days before christmas. Only 1 bowkill from the ground ever, hope to get another this year.