Don't you just hate them? I'll give you my example...Have this phone number,it's connected to a yound ladies phone of course and thought I'd give her a call last night.This brainstorm came to me as I was leaving the bar and had some liquid IQ in me,I give her a call and a leave a voice mail,shortly later I get a call back and start thinking my Friday night/Saturday morning is about to change for the better! I was wrong!!! I say hello and a male voice ask who the hell I am?I ask who the hell he is? He's the boyfriend!The unhappy b/f at this point.I ask why he isn't in jail for being a woman beater...hence the reason I called the number from the start! Figured he should still be detained so figure my call wouldn't be too upsetting to him....he wasn't detained and it was upsetting! Some folks are just weird that way!
Yeah thats what I figured would be best Button.Even if he was still detained not like I was gonna keep her....just ride the pony and stabil her a little worse for wear!:d
That's why you need to say away from the Liquid I.Q. Makes you do wierd things. P.S. I hope you get to ride something soon, you're almost in the book of world records..
I'll throw you a clue there Hooker...I was looking to barrow his g/f while he was in jail being someone else's G/F. Now you with us?:d