Will Killzone broad heads function properly with low poundage bows? My wife is shooting at a draw weight if 35-40lbs, and I have read and seen articles that said to not waist the force of the arrow to open mechanical broad-heads to go with a fixed broad-head like a Magnus Stinger. On the other hand i watched i you tube video on the NAP Killzone and they worked fine on a re-curve and youth bow
IMO, I would not use KZ with that low of poundage. That doesn't mean there are not some success stories out there but I personally would not. I good fixed blade would be my personal choice FWIW.
I haven't tried the Kill Zone with my compound yet and I shoot the same pound draw as your wife....very good question. I used a fixed blade. Now, I do, however, use the KZ with my crossbow and I love it.