A week ago I got a chance to see how the Bloodrunners perform on a deer. Of course they are razor sharp right out of the pack and "fly like fieldpoints" but I wanted to see how they did on a deer. The deer was quartering away at about 8-10 yds. The arrow went through the near side backstrap and came out into the far side leg about half way between elbow and shoulder, breaking it in two. Deer went about 30-40 yds, hit the ground, coughed up about a pint+ of blood, expired. It would have easily been a pass through except for the bone hit. The bow is an Allegiance @ 54lbs, 29" DL, smooth mods. The arrow is a CT Whitetail XP, .400 spine with a 50 grain insert for a 17% FOC, weight about 400 gr and speed around 260fps with a KE of 60 ftlbs. The Bloodrunner busted the bone clean in two with some smaller pieces and no noticeable damage to the BH. I will be using these some more in the future. This particular BH is still good enough to kill deer but it is now a fox BH.
I have been planning on buying a pack of these and giving them ago for the rest of this season. I have used Montecs (except for a failed experiment with a Rage) for the past 4 seasons. They have been good for me, but the blood trails aren't always the best. Hopefully these bloodrunners are the real deal for me too.
Wow, that is some serious damage to heavy bone. I'm still waiting to give mine a whirl. Has anyone heard anything about replaceable blades for these?
I'd have them in my quiver if they made a 125 grain. I can't believe they only make that thing in 100 grain! (before you suggest it, I've already got a 100 grain brass insert so I can't make up the extra weight there.)
An end note on this BH. I took it apart, cleaned it real well and resharpened the blades. Razor sharp and is good as new. So, even if they don't sell replacement blades it's possible to resharpen the blades and reuse the BH.
yeah they are coming out with them some time in january i believe they will onlt be on naps website (Replaceable blades)