Sure did turn out nice brother! I hope the twists work there way out of your limbs! That a good looking bow, good job!
It's always fun to see what's hiding under that paint. I've cleaned a few up and they are always surpisingly beautiful. Good job.
I forgot to add that I gained 2lbs on draw weight. It's now at 63lbs but still no where near the 73lbs It once was. Thanks Ryan.
Steve, You might have said, but I just skimmed though the postings. What make bow is it? It looks real good. I'm going to read the whole process you went through later. I have a set of Bear TD limbs I have to refinish.
WindWalker TakeDown Recurve, made here In Minnesota. The company no longer Is In business as far as I know. Up till a year ago this bow was 73lbs at 28". I ordered It for 65lbs at 28" but the guy who made It said It's heavier then he had planned, I said no biggy. It dropped 12lbs In draw weight last fall, not exactly sure why. I've had the bow going on 14 years this year. She's been a great bow!!
100% Finished!!!!!!! Just need to buy a different bow quiver for It. Another good thing happened today, the limb twist Is almost gone.:d My limb wraps came In today, surprised the hell out of me being I didn't expect them until tomorrow. I love the looks of them!! I think they match up pretty good with the rest of the bow. They were a pain to put on, specially where the string groves are. My only worry Is that I'll be to hard on this bow and there going to get roughed up and come off. I usually don't baby my bows, not about to start either. Don't worry Russel, I'll treat the Yarra like she's gold!! For someone who Is more careful and doesn't want to scratch there bow up, these should work perfect for ya. But maybe I'm wrong and these wraps are tough as nails!!