The 1st coat of Minwax on my riser. Not to bad I don't think, I hope I'm doing this right. I was kinda surprised that the non shelf side of the riser wasn't nearly as dark as the other side after I put a layer of Minwax on. Otherwise everything else Is going as I thought. I glued my limb tip where that was coming apart slightly and I put some epoxy where the fiberglass was splintering real bad on the edge of the limb. Stuff Is moving along now. The fiberglass on my limbs Is brown, ugly as heck If you ask me compared to the rest of the bow. I was thinking what I could do to cover that up. Anyone know anything about limb strips or whatever they might be called that glue or stick on limbs? I'm guessing there's a variety out there to choose from.
Yep, the thought has crossed my mind. Thanks for all of the assistance so far here Russ, I owe ya one!!
Its looking good Steve. I think onestringer has a bunch of limb strips to chose from and I am sure they could custom do one for you.
Don't worry guys Steve and I have already discussed me making limbs but like Steve said I dont do recurve stuff, well not at the moment anyway.
Looken good. Just something to suggest, that I dont know if I suggested via p.m.s. When you mat your splinter down, be sure to spring clamp that with a presure strip along the lenght 0f the limb. That way you do not create tiller problems and or excess hand shock created by the excess inertia. Keep it all jiven like it had been jiven.
Thanks Zach!! I called onestringer and talked with the Lady of the house today and ordered up a particular pattern that I thought should go well with the riser. I hope It looks good on the limbs, we'll see I guess when they get here. $40.00 for 2 sets.
What I ended up doing was after I put the epoxy down I wrapped the limb with electrical tape where I put the epoxy on where the tiny splintering was going on. I hardly used any epoxy but then again there wasn't much of an area that was real bad either. One thing I did notice was that I don't think I put enough hardener In with the epoxy. I put It on yesterday around 6:00 pm I'd say and still It's a tad sticky yet. Thanks Kent for all the help as well. Russ, I can't remember (bad memory at times) what you said but am I suppose to sand the riser again after the 1st coat Is dried 24 hours later before I apply the other coats? I did sand It right away like you said when I put the 1st coat on while It was still wet. I'm thinking you said not to but I figured I better ask before I put these next few coats on her tonight yet. Thanks again guys, much appreciated!
Steve. Use the W/D paper and water and give it a light sanding before you put the next coat on but make sure the finish is dry and has hardened. Then wet sand again after each additional coat has dried n hardened. All the future coats when you have the finish in a dip can lid add a few drops of the dryer, if you dont use all thats in the lid pour it out don't put it back in the can.
Liking what you have done Steve , hows the elbows holding up with all that rubbing :d . Sure is gonna look nice , by the time your done .